Terms of Use

By using the website www.vigorteq.com you accept and consent to the practices established by these terms, according to which the website should be used

  1. Administrator
    1. The Private Capital Company with the name "VIGOR TECHNOLOGY I.K.E.", and the distinctive title "VIGOR TECHNOLOGY I.K.E." (hereinafter the "Company"), based at Athenas Street no. 20 in N. Magnesia Thessaloniki (T.K. 57008), with VAT ID No. 800800865 and No. G.E.MI. 141327805000, email address info@vigorteq.com and telephone 231 231 5431, which will henceforth and for the sake of brevity be referred to as "The Company".
  2. Scope
    1. These terms and conditions apply exclusively to the use of the website www.vigorteq.com
    2. The present terms and conditions of use are addressed to both professionals (natural or legal persons) and private individuals - prospective employees, who will henceforth be referred to as "the Users".
    3. These terms may be modified at any time without prior notice to Users. In any case, the modified terms will not apply retroactively.
  3. Purpose of the website
    1. The purpose of the website is the commercial promotion of the Company, the sending of information from prospective new customers of the Company in order for the Company to draw up a commercial offer that corresponds to their needs as well as the sending of CVs from prospective Employees and the filling of Company jobs.
  4. Sending CVs from prospective Employees
    1. On the Company's website, there is a section for sending CVs from prospective new employees of the Company.
    2. The sending of a resume and the notification of the desire to fill any job position by the Employee does not in any way imply the acceptance of said notification and the hiring of the Employee by the Company.
    3. The Company reserves the exclusive right to control and select the person who will fill the currently available job position. The hiring of any Employee who has submitted a resume to the relevant platform that operates on the Company's website takes place only after the latest explicit notification from the Company regarding the final selection of the respective Employee.
    4. The Company reserves the right to either request additional information from each prospective Employee or to proceed with the interview process, before the final selection.
    5. The personal data of each Employee is processed by the Company based on the terms of the Data Protection Policy, of which the Employee has been duly informed.
  5. Platform for new partnerships
    1. The Company's website operates a platform for registering details of new potential customers of the Company.
    2. For the avoidance of any doubt, the platform in question operates solely for the purpose of entering the details of the Company's prospective customers in the Company's customer list and expressing their interest in the Company's products and services, and not for the conclusion of a contract between the Company and of potential customers.
      1. Users undertake, when entering their information on the Platform, to declare true and accurate information that corresponds to reality.
    3. No expression of interest registered on said platform is automatically accepted by the Company, nor does its registration entail the drawing up of a relevant contract.
    4. The acceptance of any order and the drawing up of any contract takes place exclusively after the relevant offer has been sent by the Company via e-mail messages, acceptance of this by the respective prospective client via e-mail messages and after sending the required contractual documents for the completion of the relevant contract.
    5. During the registration of new Users on the platform, slanderous, defamatory, offensive or sexist comments of any kind will not be accepted.
    6. The Company reserves the right to delete any User who violates the terms of this article.
  1. Intellectual property rights
    1. The content of this website (including trademarks, texts, graphics, images, photographs and software) is the intellectual property of the Company.
    2. It is prohibited, in whole or in part, to republish and generally to reproduce and retransmit the content of the website, to store in a database, to retransmit in electronic or mechanical or any other form, in the original or in a translation or other adaptation and modification of the form, of content and appearance, without the written permission of the Company.
    3. The appearance of the material on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or grant of a license or right to use or exploit it.
  1. Intellectual property rights of third parties
    1. Trademarks, distinctive features and designs belonging to third parties remain their property and may not be used without the permission of their owners.
  2. Data protection policy
    1. Personal data protection policy
      1. As it is reflected on the website
      2. By filling in personal data on this website, you declare that you have the authorization of this natural person to provide them to the Company.
  3. Applicable Law and Jurisprudence
    1. For any dispute arising from the application and execution of the terms herein, the Courts of Thessaloniki will be exclusively competent and the Greek law will be applicable.
    2. These terms of use are interpreted based on the rules of good faith, commercial ethics and the economic and social purpose of the right. In the event that any of the present terms is deemed to be contrary to the law and therefore invalid or voidable, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.